Igor’s Presets - Boss Presets Hub
- Igor’s Presets helps PVM beginners who want to learn new bosses by reducing the time and resources spent going to Death’s Office through calling out mechanics during boss encounters.
- Igor’s Presets are created using the AfkWarden tool from Alt1 Toolkit created by Skillbert.
- All current boss presets are created using:
- The “General PVM Preset” that contains utility voice callouts for buffs, auras, potions etc.
- Learner friendly boss mechanic call-outs voiced by your favourite content creators aimed at making learning new bosses or group roles easier.
- Igor’s Combat Companion, a standalone app, is being worked on in the background through a collaborative effort of talented individuals from the community to deliver the One app to rule them all to the Runescape PVM community
Follow the steps below:
- Download and install Alt1 (https://runeapps.org/alt1)
- Open Runescape
- Click on Alt1 Toolkit on the top right of the Runescape Window
- Open AfkWarden
- Click on the Settings icon and make sure “Supress all alarms when rs is active” is unticked
- Click on “Load, Save, Export or Import Presets” button (save icon)
- Click on Import
- Give a name to the preset
- Access one of the boss preset links below and copy paste the code using Keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+C & CTRL+V)
- Click Import and Start learning the fight!
Using Elder Overload Salve?
- YES: Please pause Overload, Antifire, Antipoison alerts.
- NO: Pause Elder Overload Salve alert.
These can be used for any boss encounter yet to be covered by this project. Includes alerts such as Buffs, Auras, Potions, etc.
- Bonus Endings
- Please ensure you choose your preferred ending and pause the others:
1. “I think it’s time for a cup of tea!”
2. “Congratulations, you’ve killed Barney!”
3. “Nicely done, now do it again!”
- Raksha - Solo
- Raksha - Duo-DPS
- Raksha - Duo-BASE
BONUS Feature! Zuk NM Wave by Wave Info Cards
App Code - Courtesy of app developer DaStewie
Info Cards Installation Guide
- Copy and Paste
in your browser.
- Allow the browser to Open Runeapps Alt1 Toolkit.
- Allow permissions and Confirm.
- Move the new pop up window to a convenient location (Under the minimap in my example)
- Begin the encounter and the app will automatically update the Info Card depending on the wave number detected under the Boss HP Bar.